Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Rubble at the Church

Here's a picture I just felt like doing - without sticking to a particular material or style, not thinking about anyone else's instructions or work, what happens when I try and capture all the detail of a scene just by instinct? This odd picture... It's pencil, pastel, coloured pencil, and more pencil on top. All the gravel kicked into this corner, mingling with the chips falling from the church masonry was an interesting opportunity for detail. I'm not so happy with the way the stone blocks in the wall look, but how can you capture that texture without a proper close-up? They're so pale, sandy, and flaky. Anyway, I tried to get in all the colour and texture I could on a sheet of A3 - in the end, I think it was a good learning process, and has an individual look. It took a surprisingly long time to do as well, so it was a relief I liked it in the end!